"It is with great honor and pleasure to understand the ambition and perseverance of the Town of Trumbull to establish the TVFRC for the men and women that have served our country and for the First Responders within the greater Trumbull area of operation."
“With great pride, we are honored to support the creation of the TVFRC"
- Roberto Santos
LMSW, Readjustment Counseling Therapist, US Department of Veteran Affairs (4.2.21)
“As the current president of the Rotary Club of Trumbull, along with our three upcoming presidents Faith Douglass, Beth Stoller and John Coleman, we want you to know that our Club enthusiastically endorses the proposed community project funding program to construct the multi-use Trumbull Veterans and First Responders Center.”
- William Costello
President Rotary Club of Trumbull (4.6.21)
“I believe the TVFRC fills an important need for the Veterans, First Responders, service & business organizations, government agencies and residents in upper Fairfield County.”
- Raymond G. Baldwin Jr.
Chairman TVFRC (4.2.21)
“…I am pleased to support, as a fellow Fairfield County Chief of Police, your initiative to secure federal funding to construct a Veteran/First Responder training facility in Trumbull.”
“As we all are too well aware, securing a facility to do training for larger groups of First Responders in Fairfield County is often quite challenging.”
- Donald B. Anderson
DA/jl, Chief of Police, Town of Darien (3.31.21)