History of Kaatz Pond
Excerpt from: Tales of Trumbull's Past
"The historic Kaatz Ice House was located on Whitney Avenue on the shore of Kaatz Pond, where ice was harvested commercially from 1908 to 1955. Nev. England was the main source of ice for Southern plantations and the West Indies sugar islands during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Though dating from the early twentieth century, Kaatz Ice House was.....
Excerpt from: The End of an Era: Harvesting Ice in Trumbull
"I was brought up with iceboxes. The first one I remember was a wooden one made of oak, highly polished and beautifully grained. The top opened so our iceman, Ed Kaatz, could put in a 25 lb. cake of ice every other day during the summer. It was insulated with zinc and there were several shelves. Underneath was a drip pan to catch the drippings from the melting ice. It was supposed to be emptied every day but we often forgot it and when we stepped into the pantry we found a flood. My father got tired of the wet floor and one day........